Friday, December 16, 2011

Clown box!!!!

The purpose of this box is to have a good time with my friends and miss combs.
1.I used card board. 2.) I used Cotten balls and paper toils. 3.)And tape and design it with penciled

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

School Uniform are Professional

        did you know that half percent of school uniform are wasting money from people and they have to get stove for There sons and daughter.
To buy a backpack shirts shoes pencils and all of that stuff.Also it would save time changing what to wear in the morning  and when we go to a filed trip we represent our school and show we are the best school.
  And when you smell nasty you have to go take a shower you could just wear blue shorts and white shirt and some cool shoes. Also when you have to eat and clean your room after you go to  school you could just wear khaki shorts or blue and even a green gray or white.

Wednesday, December 7, 2011


Once a upon a time there was a soccer ball.Black and white there was a kid name jesus j. He played soccer and their was a wizard he made the ball evil and one time he was hungry and one day Misty got killed.


Wednesday, November 30, 2011

THE bobble

ONCE upon a time there was a girl name Martha .She was walking down a street she saw a scary house and Martha went inside and she went into a room.And Martha got scared and the Bobble came out and shot her with his goow stove and got stoke in the wall. And she staid there for ever.


THIS is a test

I am practicing posting a picture on my blog.

Friday, November 18, 2011


Once upon a time their was 2 brothers that were named Luis c and Daniel we went to school and we where trouble makers.Luis and me packed eggs in our back packs and we laid them carefully and we went to school. we saw Kimberly and Martha and we threw eggs at them and they looked very ridiculous  and Luis and me got hit by Martha and Kimberly by some rocks in the head and we ended up in the hospital.the next day they smelled like eggs because they didn't take a shower so then they got mad and chased me and Luis c and me and Luis c were on a wheel chair and that was the last time we heard about the stinky egg they messed with us and then they ended  up in the hospital with some crutches and a purple eye.The End

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

The Lost Boy

Once upon a time there was a boy that got lost in Bloody Mary's world. He was sleeping and that's how he got to bloody Mary's world. A girl came and said pick a mask because Bloody Mary doesn't like to see your face. The boy said why and took of the girls mask and saw nothing. The boy was scared and the girl left running. So the boy was still on his bed and his mom was looking for him but the mom couldn't see him. A girl  took the mirror and said to his friend this is all i found left of him. The mom called the police and she was crying because she could't find him. The boy finally found the way to get out but they caught him and he left  running .He hugged  his mom but he barely remembered he was dead..

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

The mini man

        Once upon a time there was a petite his name was Daniel and there was an enormous man named Luis. Both of us were fighting for a chocolate and then we left it on the table. Then we were doing an arm wrestle and then big mama came and ate the whole table with the chocolate.then Luis started crying and then I told him what a cry baby go cry to your mommy.

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

the little chibichanga

one a upon a time there was a little skeleton his friend gave him a nick name and it was chibichanga people didnt like him because he was the scariest and ugliest chibichanga his family didnt like him. There a contest in loser ville but he didnt  now about the contest  he was walking through the forest and
saw the lights going on and off and he went fast to the light and he went inside and it was a scary party  and the guys with the microphone said scary people go up to the stage and the guges said the winner is the little chibichanga and he won 1000 dollars and every one liked him and he ad friends THE END.

Wednesday, October 19, 2011


I am a boy i am a midget
I wonder if this a pencil
I her Freddy cougar
I see Freddy cougar I wont a puppy
I am a boy and a midget

I pretend to be a clown
I feel soft fur
I touch gooey stuff
I worry about my mom
I cry when a lion bites me
I am a boy and a midget

I under stand my mom
I say good things
I dream riding a car
I try to ride a car
I hope I get a x box 360
I am a boy and a midget