Tuesday, November 1, 2011

the little chibichanga

one a upon a time there was a little skeleton his friend gave him a nick name and it was chibichanga people didnt like him because he was the scariest and ugliest chibichanga his family didnt like him. There a contest in loser ville but he didnt  now about the contest  he was walking through the forest and
saw the lights going on and off and he went fast to the light and he went inside and it was a scary party  and the guys with the microphone said scary people go up to the stage and the guges said the winner is the little chibichanga and he won 1000 dollars and every one liked him and he ad friends THE END.

1 comment:

  1. Luis is this a true story?I liked the story because it talks about a skeleton and what he did. Also why did nobody like the skeleton?

